what do you use to remove your tubes?

Happy Holidays! ! ! I want to pull my preamp and signal tubes (12AU7's and 12AX7's) to see what brand they are. They only stick out of my Rogue Cronus Magnum about 3/4 of an inch. Do I have to use cotton gloves / towel or could I use latex gloves? I'm thinking I could get a better grip with latex gloves. Once I know what they are, I would like to post a thread on what other tubes people are using in their Cronus Magnums and what effects they are having on the sound.
I put my hand in a cotton athletic sock, but then- my tubes are completely exposed, and their silicone dampers make them even easier to grasp.
I too try to avoid direct finger contact with the glass of the tube. Generally I use a paper towel folded and wrapped around the tube and grip at the base...but my tubes are pretty much fully exposed. I like the cotton sock approach. Am using one to protect my safety glasses from scratches when I have to travel!
Being that they only stick out about 3/4 of an inch as you said, try what the other guys said. Do not use anything adhesive as the adhesive may leave a residue on the glass. Do not use a pliers or anything like that due to not being able to feel how tight it really is which can so easily lead to crushing the tube in a split second or cause a microscopic crack which will leak air into it, overload the air or oxygen capability of the getter to absorb it, and destroy the tube in time; be it soon or long down the road. I had KT88 power tubes go that way. They lit up from the inside, burned a beautiful pastle like pink and purple for about 20 seconds, and then died. After a week or so though, they got all powdery white inside as the getter got swamped and could not absorb any more air. As for other tubes used in that brand and model of gear, I had a pair of NOS Mullard 12AU7's and they were as wonderful sounding in all ways as the legends of them describe accurately. JJ makes great sounding 12AU7's as does EH and Ruby. Same for the 12AX7's. It is personal preference, honestly. It can be a massive difference or a subtle and need to listen for it change. They at least tend to be inexpensive unlike power tubes.