Tube preamplifier tube choice help please

I would like to ask which tube is better linearity and sound among 6SN7 and 6NP1 tubes in preamplification or what are their pros and cons
There are two brands tube preamplifiers I intend to buy they have almost same topology, one uses only a pair 6SN7(Tungsol) and the other one uses only a pair 6NP1 (Russian) they both have
tube rectifiers and roughly same prices
I have not used those tubes in any application before so I would like to hear your comments please.
Thanks in advance
the russian 1578 tubes, if genuine, are exceptional. i use them for input and sylvania bad boys for output on my wyetech opal pre, after much experimenting, and it is a great combo. ken-rads add more warmth if you like that. 6sn7's are widely available and offer many tube-rolling opportunities to get the sound you want.
