What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed

What direction should Hi Fi Tuning fuses be installed? They have a little arrow and I would think it would point the direction of AC flow but maybe it points to the AC source?? SEEMS to sound better that way. I know someone will say put it the way it sound better but i have 3 fuses here. That is 6 possible ways. Not in the mood for that. The arrow must mean somethuing. What about Furutech? Thoughts welcome. keith
Rodman99999, you went to the trouble to gather all of these examples where we learned that we don't know everything. I have always thought to do that. I used to have a citation of a speech by Harold Lasswell about the findings of the American Soldier project during WWII. He noted many findings, such as that black troops working better with Southern white officiers than with Northern white officiers etc. as findings. And he noted that everyone would have guessed this. Then he says about all of these findings, that they were not true.

I sought an EE degree but was also taking physics courses. They are like oil and water. Finally, I got a physics major, but as you might know a physics major from the '60s is not at all current, but a EE would be.
Like most threads about fringe tweaks like fuses eventually do, this thread has now run its course repeating the same old positions with nothing new of interest.

Time to find some other dumb topic to waste time with.....
***Time to find some other dumb topic to waste time with***

Dumb? Hardly. This thread is discussing the essence of high-end audio.

This particular thread happens to be about hearing fuses, but it could have just as easily been about ICs or PCs or cable lifters or green magic markers etc ... .

These things are what seperates high-end audio from Normal Audio Enthusiasts and Music Lovers.

If you think this is Dumb, then in effect, you think high-end audio and audiophiles are dumb.

In for a penny, in for a pound. You cannot pick and choose.

If you are, jumping ship, I understand Yorx is having a blow-out sale on certain models. Better hurry.

Tbg, no.

Only when challenged by those who have no standing in the matter as to why they bought that wine, car or chose who to marry.

I have no dog in this fight as to whether or not electrons flow in both directions. Never took that side. It doesn't matter one lick. It's just smoke. If I hear a difference, I hear a difference. That's not to say I can hear one when changing the direction of a fuse as I've never done it and have no inclination to try. Just swapping out a standard fuse for a better one did it for me.

All the best,
How about magnets. Magnets enhance the directionality of ac passing thru them much the same as cryo treatment of metals and conductors enhance and unify the direction of their molecules. Results are better sound. Improved dynamics, lower noise.