Thank you for taking the time to read through the article and raising the interesting points you do in your post. A technical person, I'm not. :)
That having been said, I do hear differences (a) when introducing after market fuses in the CD player, power amp, integrated amp and speakers that I've tried them in, and (b) when reversing the orientation of same. Why? Not a clue.
A question for you, if I may. You mention not knowing "how a fuse would have any "knowledge" of the direction in which energy is being transferred." Is it possible the fuse is constructed in such a way that it performs better one way than the other.
Just wondering.
Thank you for taking the time to read through the article and raising the interesting points you do in your post. A technical person, I'm not. :)
That having been said, I do hear differences (a) when introducing after market fuses in the CD player, power amp, integrated amp and speakers that I've tried them in, and (b) when reversing the orientation of same. Why? Not a clue.
A question for you, if I may. You mention not knowing "how a fuse would have any "knowledge" of the direction in which energy is being transferred." Is it possible the fuse is constructed in such a way that it performs better one way than the other.
Just wondering.