What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed

What direction should Hi Fi Tuning fuses be installed? They have a little arrow and I would think it would point the direction of AC flow but maybe it points to the AC source?? SEEMS to sound better that way. I know someone will say put it the way it sound better but i have 3 fuses here. That is 6 possible ways. Not in the mood for that. The arrow must mean somethuing. What about Furutech? Thoughts welcome. keith
Now if I could just get the guard to return my posters to my cell...
They probably saw "The Shawshank Redemption."


Best regards,
-- Al
The thing about placebos is that they DO work.
Science is just as much a religion as Catholicism.
Schubert,Yes they do work. They also work negatively, namely such as saying, this mediciNe will make you sick would increase those who reported being sick. The scientific method is a faith, but it also requires "proof" to peers. God seldom confirms that she had said what men report her to having said.
TBG, You must be open minded. I just think its great entertainment you know, a fool and his money.