Does your system do things better in the dark?

I decided to sleep in the listening room and thought it was a good idea to fall asleep to music. My ex-friends tell me opera puts them to sleep so I thought why not try that.
I couldn't believe how good my system sounds in the dark at low volumes! Was I dreaming?
Anyone have the same experience?
Sad to say my girlfriend fell asleep on me, next time it'll be Madonna or Meatloaf.
Enhanced focus on the music is likely 99% of it. In terms of the quality of the AC power, I wonder if people notice poorer sound in the middle of a heat wave when power demand is higher (assuming no brown out)?
Listening in the dark is essential. Luckily I discovered this early on. If you really want to experience crazy imaging and 3d life-like soundstage try smoking the pipe.
No, I like to listen in a moderatly sun light room. I find it interesting to see where the sound originates from relative to other objects in the room and sometimes sounds appear to come from outside the room boundries. I find depth preception comes with the ability to see, not hear.
I like to know where the speakers are and am happy if the sound nevers appears to come from them, but from other points.
I am glad someone else brought this up. My systems have always sounded better at night. I attribute this to the electricity on the line coming into your home being quieter at night. I am positive it is not psycho acoustic.