If you are looking for "magic" with dynamics, I would recommend one of the Counterpoint SA-9s I have seen floating around Audiogon recently. Based on current prices, they would fit within your budget, and should meet your requirements.
I also agree with Gregm's post above: both the ASR and PH7 are very good phono preamps; however, they do not quite seem to match your requirements. The ASR is very clean, precise, and dynamic, with good resolution of detail, but in my view does not possess the same degree of palpable presence (the charateristic I most associate with "magic") that some other preamps have. (With that said, its strength in other areas make it a very worthwhile preamp to have). The PH7, in my limited experience under non-ideal conditions, was not the last word in dynamics.
Other preamps you might want to think about: Aesthetix IO and Wavestream phono. I have heard good things about the Allnic phono preamps, but do not have any personal experience with them.