Recommend a preamp for Denon Dl 160

I recently purchased a Denon Dl 160 moving coil cart and although it sounds good it was not what i expected. I did some research and it seems I need a preamp to get me the 1k ohm load I need. I have a Technics Sa-ax 530 av control stereo receiver, A Realistic lab 400 turntable, and some V4 Paradigm Titans. The real problem may lie in that I am using an av receiver however cds and tapes sound ok through it-but not through its phono stage. Any recommendations for a nice preamp for around $250 new or used.
Cambridge Azur 640P for under $150 should be a big improvement over the built-in phono stage. You also need to make sure the cartridge is aligned correctly. What did you use for a protractor?
It came with a protractor and I did that b y lining up with the mark shown. I have heard numerous praises over this Cambridge but the build quality was in question by some. But you really cant buy tank for less than $250 probably. Does this Azur amp allow me to make the 1k ohm adjustment?
The creek should work with this preamp, the Creek OBH-18 a great upgrade on your sound system.