3 channel amps really good

can some knowledgable people here give me some ideas on brands and models of some really good 3 channel amps for my HT. I have my 2 channel and my pre/pro and speakers ! I'm looking for something really good, thanks ! Oh it needs to be at least 150 wpc true power but could use 200 to 300, thanks for all the help !
"some people think I'm crazy til they hear it but that revel blends with the atc's seemlessly !" (sic) No doubt.

Get any used Ayre for the center and a Bryston for the surrounds.

Since you already own the Ayre why not stick with the same "house" sound? The Classe CA-3200 is the 3 channel version I believe? The 5200 is the 5 channel version. I'm saving for Classe amps myself to go with my SSP-800 that I just ordered! They will replace my Levinson 335 that powers my mains and my B&K Reference 7250 which powers center and rears.
i would suggest the theta to be as good if not better than the amps you have on your list (krell, mc and classe), certainly worth giving it a listen. i have had many, many multichannel amplifiers and put theta up with the best. surprisingly, the nuforce is also outstanding, especially in theater applications due to it's speed, precision and massive soundstage.