Does a tube phono stage get through...

Solid State? If someone wants to obtain the "benefits" of a tube phono stage, will those benefits remain when that phono stage passes the signal through a solid state preamp and amplifier or will the solid state "benefits" take over?

I understand that a tube preamp can work well with solid state amplifiers but I was wondering if going one step backwards to just using a tube phono stage in the mix has similar results.
Tubes add compression, harmonic distortion, and a high frequency roll off to the mix. Most of us just love it, i know I do. The technical and subjective reasons for this apparent contradiction takes a bit of study and open mindedness.
It will with mixed results.You'll have to be the judge of the sound of the combo.There are tube/solid state hybrid amps that have tubes in the input/driver stages with solid state outputs.Some people love them,others don't.
Yes, to some extent. In general, the closer tubes get to the speaker, the more 'tube sound' you can expect. A tube amp will give you the most 'tube sound'. A tube preamp w/ SS amp will give you some 'tube sound'. A tube source with SS preamp and SS amp will give you a bit of 'tube flavor'.
