Does a tube phono stage get through...

Solid State? If someone wants to obtain the "benefits" of a tube phono stage, will those benefits remain when that phono stage passes the signal through a solid state preamp and amplifier or will the solid state "benefits" take over?

I understand that a tube preamp can work well with solid state amplifiers but I was wondering if going one step backwards to just using a tube phono stage in the mix has similar results.
Tubes add compression, harmonic distortion, and a high frequency roll off to the mix. Most of us just love it, i know I do. The technical and subjective reasons for this apparent contradiction takes a bit of study and open mindedness.
It will with mixed results.You'll have to be the judge of the sound of the combo.There are tube/solid state hybrid amps that have tubes in the input/driver stages with solid state outputs.Some people love them,others don't.
Yes, to some extent. In general, the closer tubes get to the speaker, the more 'tube sound' you can expect. A tube amp will give you the most 'tube sound'. A tube preamp w/ SS amp will give you some 'tube sound'. A tube source with SS preamp and SS amp will give you a bit of 'tube flavor'.

Chaos theory suggests that a tube preamp, especially one that employs zero feedback, will actually get you a better noise floor. Not- mind you, a quieter one necessarily, but one that is more pleasing to the ear.

In addition, it will have less of the harmonic distortions (in Chaos Theory this is known as bifurcation) that interfere with how the human ear processes the volume of the sound. In a nutshell, it will sound more relaxed for a given volume.

Another phenomena of tube preamps, especially zero feedback preamps, is that despite having the same bandwidth as other phono sections, you will experience less surface noise from the LP. Again, Chaos Theory explains why- with no feedback there is no bifurcation of high frequency events like a tick or a pop.

Fun stuff huh?