Frustrated with new pre-amp and need advice

Hello all. I just bought a new tube preamp from a well-respected company. I'd rather not say who at this point because I'm still trying to work with them. But I am not real satisfied with the responses I've gotten thus far and need to know if my concerns are valid.

There are two main problems: (1) whenever I change sources or go passed 0 volume, I get a loud thump through my speakers. (2) When I have the phono input selected and i'm listening to an lp (via the internal phono board) but my cd is spinning too, I can clearly hear the CD source. It's intruding into the phono input.

So the manuf. rep has pretty much blamed problem #1 on either my ground connection or my power amp. However, when I use another pre amp (a peachtree decco), this problem doesn't happen. So how can it be a problem with my ground or amp?

For problem #2, they've not commented on what could be going on, and their silence doesn't make me feel warm and fuzzy.

So I'd most like to know if others ever have similar problems with any of their gear, if they indicate a defect in the equipment, or are these issues things I'll have to learn to live with.

I appreciate all comments!

Proper cable dressing can go a long way in detering alternate signal pick up. Though actually being able to do it can sometimes be an excercise in futility. :-)
I am the OP in the thread that Aggielaw references above. Note that the issues this poster is experiencing are different. The POP I have with the Nagra unit is only when it is first powered on, NOT when I switch sources subsequently. There is also no bleeding from one channel to the next. I have also subsequently learned through correspondance with several real experts around the country)that many tube preamps ( will exhibit this characteristic (a pop) when first powered on, and it is not necessarily something wrong with the pre. But it does require you to always power on your amps AFTER the pre has been powered on. Which, as an aside, is a royal pain for me. Anyway, my point here is that I think that Slanski is experiencing different, and potentially more problemmatic issues with his pre.
somehow your preamp seems to me mis-manufactured in the sense of correct values of bias supply. if the tubes are over- or under- driven that would seem to show your case. Audio Research had done some mis-manufactured units and fixed them at no even shipping cost with no questions asked from anybody. The fix was to change input(grid) resistor values from 1K to 10k. or vise versa(don't remember precisely).
A bump when changing sources could be a poorly designed or miswired source selector switch.
Bleedthrough is avoidable, if the manufacturer shields the input wiring and uses a high quality source switch with low crosstalk.
Some preamps go to the extreme of shorting unused inputs, so that there is zero, nada bleedthrough.

It seems that your preamp has design or wiring issues. I suggest an exchange or return, unless it is a 200 dollar unit...then those problems are to be expected.