Amp for Dynaudio C1 Mcintosh 402 or Cary CAD 500?

This would be paired with a Cary SLP-05 preamp. The Dynaudio's would benefit from a JL Audio Fathom F113.

I also own some LS6's which are currently for sale. I'm betting the Mac would match well the the line arrays!
I know I'll regret this sale..

My current amps are Nuforce 9SEV2's in the upgrade queue for version 3 status. I don't think they are a good match for the C1's due to lack of any sort of defined bass. These are power hungry speakers.

Any thoughts?
I tried the C1s with a pair of VTL MB-450 tube amps and I really liked the combo. The bass was deep, tight, definitely not lacking, but then again I'm not sure what you're used to. It doesn't have the impact of bigger speakers, but in the medium sized room I listened in I could feel the bass.

I have the same issue as you in that I don't know if the Pass x250.5 (or 350.5) would be a better choice. I liked the VTL, but a lot of people seem to be praising the Pass, which I can't audition.
Tubes are not out of the question... I've paired my Special 25"s with a VTL st150 and loved the results. I should mention the VTL displaced a MC402 which I sold for twice the price of the VTL.
Being a Dyn onwer and having used both the 402 and 250.5 I would go with the Pass.Great match plus more power as the 250.5 is 500 watts into that 4 ohm load..No brainer,IMO..I would also go with a F12 rather that the 13
Sounds like the Pass 250.5 would be a good solution. The F12 vs F13 debate continues as I hoped I could use a single F113 vs 2 X F112. HT might benefit a bit from the larger F113 and given the supposed excellent low end response of the C1 and with a Pass 250.5 it seems logical.

Although I rarely see much logic in have the things I've done in this crazy hobby.

Thanks for the experience factor Toeapfactor!
Will Pass XA60.5 make a cut into driving a pair of C1 in a normal bedroom? Listening distance is less then 3m.