Phono Inputs...what can I use them for?

Hey everyone.

Today is the day for stupid questions. Here's mine.

I've got a vintage Sansui AU-717. I love it. It's the first non-crappy piece of audio equipment I've ever owned. But I'm long past my listening to vinyl days, and I've got this great integrated amp with not one, but two phone inputs. What can I use them for? I understand they're a bit different than the AUX input. Something about voltage...

Could I use them to plug something else into? TV? MP3 player? CD/DVD player? What are their limitations?


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I would also say no for the same reasons, but would more forcefully say that the RIAA equalization COMPLETELY screws up the sound. You should not use them for anything other than a turntable. You could consider getting back into vinyl, you know!
Well now. I'm glad we're all clear on that point.

Even if I don't understand what any of you just said.
What's "Gain"? What's RIAA equalization? Awwww...It doesn't matter.

Okay, here's another stupid question: Since I'll never use vinyl again, could I take it to a guy that knows component level repair? Could he take the thing apart and turn one of the remaining phono inputs into something useable? Something I could plug a TV or MP3 player into?
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