Amplifier Experience Gryphon Pass Lamm BAT

After living with a small integrated amp for quite some time (Pathos) I am finally about to take the plunge and buy myself a large power amplifier with a matching preamp. (Speakers are WB Chimeras)

I am focussed mostly on class A amps amd prefer a neutral sound erring on the warm side. After having lived with Pathos for a while I am looking for someting more powerful than most tube amps.

The brands and models I have narrowed it down to are:
- BAT VK52SE+ 2x BAT VK600
- Pass Labs XP-20 + XA160.5 Monos
- Lamm L2 Reference + Lamm M1.2 Reference Monos
- Gryphon Mirage + Antileon Signature Stereo

All models are used or ex-demo equipment I could get a good price on hence if some manufacturers (Krell, mbl etc.) are not included this is because there is either no opportunity or I excluded them for some other reason.

The above are listed according to price I could get them at with the BAT being quite a bit cheaper and the other three being quite close.

I will not be able to compare any of the above in the same room, etc so I would be grateful for any direct experience people have in comparing the above!
I combine ARC Ref 5 with Gryphon Antileon signature and feel they work great together. - Jim
If you are open to tube preamps you should also consider the Wavac pr-t1 which is a four box setup some consider the ultimate tube preamp. I have no experince it. It's probably easier for you to get as well used, since most used wavac I've seen here are all 220v spec.

I'm actually in your same boat trying to decide between similar brands and setups. I'm taking it slow to try and audition them all in my system first. It's just too hard trying to imagine what they sound like by reading descriptions. However, reading is also helpful.

One thing to keep in mind is resale value. I like products that don't upgrade their line every year like a car. The Gryphons have a great track record on that front. I don't think he Mirage is going away anytime soon as it's very new, and I also don't think the Antileon Signature is going away soon either because that's their bread and butter. The Colosseum amps are just way too expensive for 99% of the people for them to stop producing the Ant Sig.

Does anyone know how much power the XA.5 produces below 4 ohms? I had called Pass before but I don't think they want to tell. Does it nearly double into 2 and 1 ohm?
I have only owned PASS LABS and they DO NOT error on the warm side. No hint of warmth. The warmth meter goes to zero.
I have owned Gryphon, Pass and Lamm, the later is for me the less coloured and honest sounding of the pack
@Aldavis: Thank you for that combination recommendation. Audio Research Ref 5 + Antileon Signature is on my list

@Changster: Nice to hear I am not the only one facing this dilemma! Wavac is not on my radar as they really are crazy expensive and look very esoteric on top of that. On Gryphon continuity I agree. The used prices of their equipment are really keeping quite constant (on the current models, the discontinued once drop a fair bit). Also while I am sure some people hate their design it is quite a statement which I believe makes it more appealing for resale. Especially with expensive audio products people seem to buy as much for their looks as for their performance! (Obviously not the people here on Audiogon)

@Flg2001: Funny you mention Lamm as the most neutral. Some other people I talked to found it to be a bit coloured rather than neutral, which just shows again that different ears and systems bring out quite different impressions!