Krell amp with Zu Essence speaker

I currently have Krell Evolution 400 monoblocks. I have ordered Zu Essence speakers. Will these two work together? I see most reviewers of the Zu use low power tube amps. Will this amp hurt the Zu?
Kinda overkill, isn't it? Zu specs state
Average Room / Moderate Volume 2 - 8 Watt
Large Room / Loud 8 - 30 Watt
Large Room / Concert Level 30 - 80 Watt
At least you won't have to worry about clipping and distortion!
With reference to Tpreaves's post, a problem you could have is that you won't be able to move your preamp's volume knob very far before you have earth-shaking volumes. I don't know what preamp you use, but many that use standard attentuators sound their best as you get about half-way (12 o'clock) on the volume knob, and some that use resistors (like my Jadis) may have much larger increases in volume for the first portion of the volume knob, with the finer gradations in attenuation/volume control as you get closer to and beyond the 12 o'clock position. In the latter case, it would potentially be more difficult for you to have just the right volume for your listening if you are stuck between 6 and 9 on the volume control.