McIntosh MC-2100 -- Aragon 2004 MKII ... upgrade?

I have a McIntosh MC-2100 amp, in VERY vintage shape (5/10), and even though I usually like the midrange and the imaging I think I would like more detail in louder complicated passages. I'm working with a strict budget here, and I read that the Aragon 2004 MKII would be a good mate with my Thiel CS 2.2 speakers. I really can't spend more than $600 used.

Here is my current setup:

Music Server (optical out) >> to
Valab DAC (diy interconnect) >> to
passive preamp (diy interconnect) >> to
McIntosh MC-2100 (diy speaker cables) >> to
Thiel 2.2

Would the Aragon be an upgrade? If not, what would you recommend for the biggest bang for my buck in my price range?

I have a Musical Fidelity A3CR (Stereophile Class A rated I believe for what its worth) currently unused that will be going up for sale soon essentially in that price range. I was going to put it into my second system but it is too big to fit into the cabinet I use there, so it has to go. Check out the info available for it here and on the internet. I think it could fit well into your setup. I used it happily until recently upgrading to a much more powerful and expensive Bel Canto amp. Email if you think you might be interested.
I had an Aragon with Appogee Centaur Minors. Not a bad match. However, IMO the match was a bit on the bright side of things, and I prefer a slightly warmer sound. The Thiel speakers I have heard are very very good, but revealing of upstream electronics. IMO-the match with Aragon 2004II could sound a bit bright and analitical in nature. I suggest you try some used McCormack amp with your Thiels. The DNA series from McCormack are wonderful. Good luck.
Hi Dusty,

I have the Aragon 3002, which is a more powerful version of your amp, and until I had the internal parts upgraded (Blackgate caps, etc.), it didn't sound that good to me. The A3CR might be a better option. You have the option of putting better parts in your amp, as I did. The Mac with some new internals might be the way to go.
