Your favorites amplifiers for their visual look ?


Most of us chose an amp for it's musicality.

But if you would chose your amplifiers for it's visual aesthetic, some great looking amplifiers, metal or wood face plate, which ones you would chose ?

Myself I would chose a Pass Lab amp, for a metal face plate. And the Sonus Faber Musica Integrated Amplifier, for a wood face place.




Nakamichi PA-7 or PA-7II with the rack handles. IMO it just looks real bad a$@. When I look at it I think that it just exudes I will eat any speaker alive.
The Italians do seem to do elegant, simple design, like knowone else. New Audio Frontiers, Pathos, including the inpol on it's way to me now.

Not to much US exposure, but the Korean Emille amps, are just gorgeous to. I am listening to their K40 integrated now. It's going back to the dealer, the Inpol sounds that bit better.
Burmester. Love that Teutonic chrome. And more importantly, Burmester sounds better than it looks (which is awesome).
Another vote for the Carver Silver Seven monoblocks. They just command attention when you see them.