Why hasnt yamamoto A-o11 gotten more love?

I've waited 3 months for a yamamoto sound craft A-011 intergrated.It has to be one of the most gorgeous audio pieces you will will see in our lifetime!!,I've owned many fine music appreciation devices,but this is phenominal!!!This willprobably be your last investment if you dig SET.4 watts of audio bliss,ILove this amp!!!!!!
I'm expecting a A-08S in a few weeks (also have a Wavelength Gemini 45. Will compare the two and sell the "loser".) I think Yamamoto's have received plenty of love. Almost all reviews I have seen have been extremely positive (over and above the usual gushing every product receives.) The amps have a 7 to 12 week wait time and plenty of people are happy to put down the 20% deposit to wait for them. In addition, almost any Yamamoto amp that goes up for sale on Audiogon gets snapped up pretty quickly at a premium to what most SET amps sell for. I think the word is out about the amps.


I would be very interested in hearing your impressions of the Yam Dac. Also, does Yamamoto offer any delivery timeline when placing an order? Has anyone posted a review of the A-08s yet?

I hate to break-up the Yamamoto love-fest, but since you asked, this might be one of the reasons why they don't get more love:


I'm not real big on measurements, but even these raised my eyebrows. Especially, the channel mismatch (nearly 3db of gain disparity between channels). The power/distortion output measurments probably turned-off many people as well. Yes, I know that most tube amps never do too well in Stereophile's measurements, but these were terrible. Not only does this call into question the whole measurements vs. how it sounds debate, but also makes you (it did me)wonder about Yamamoto's engineering and quality control.
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I will let you know my impressions once I get this unit and put some hours on it.

Brawny, I`ll take my chance with a company that has multiple rave reviews on numerous components by a variety of reviewers and current owners based on it`sonics. Even the unit that measured poorly per stereophile sounded superb according to Art Dudley who actually LISTENED to it. So if it sounds wonderful but measures bad then the hell with the measurements.