Sophia 300B vs Jeff Korneff 45 Amp

Anyone have anyway of describing the sonic differences between Sophia Electric 9101 300B monoblock single ended amps and a Jeff Korneff 45 SET amp? (Let's assume the JK 45s have enough power to drive the speakers at around 100dB efficiency.) Thanks

- a related question would be which tubes would be preferred, Sophia, EML, solid plates or mesh plates, etc
My experience is that power kills. The 45 or the 50 tube is the best output tube for SETs. You just have to have the right speaker. High efficiency,low driver count,benign impedance and the 45 will walk the dog!
Jeff K build quality's far higher. 45 will limit what you can drive. But for your use a JK 45 Is the better sounding choice. Still why Sophia 300b? Far better 300b amps about.
Hi Philefreak, Thanks - When I look at the Cornwall II I think I count 3 drivers - is that going to be an issue with a 45 amp? (The specs say it's 8 ohms, but I'm not sure if about how that applies across the frequency spectrum.) Thx again
Hi Johnk, Thanks. I'm thinking about Cornwall II speakers; I thought i might need the power, including the headroom, of a 300B for the Cornwalls (but if I don't need the power, I could move to a 2A# or a 45 - depending on what is needed to drive the speakers. In general, I'm hearing/reading that the 45 is the ticket if you don't need more power; if you do then the 2A3 is up to bat; if that doesn't do it, then the 300B is the next choice. If this is the wrong approach, I'm open to a better approach. Also, to answer your question, the Sophia Mesh Plates get pretty good reviews; in fact, some people who like the Jeff Korneff amp (almost everyone seems to agree it's a good amp) think the Sophia 45 Mesh Plates are superior to the well regarded EML 45 tubes; so I figured if I need a 300B (which is still TBD) and Sophia makes good tubes, why not a Sophia 300B amp? But if you have amps you like better for the same or less price, either among the 45s, or the 300Bs, (or even the 2A3s), I'm open to suggestions. Right now, the Cornwalls are more likely to be the constant and the amp and tubes are open to discussion. I'm still trying to figure out what sonic differences one could expect to hear between the Sophia 300B amp (or another comparably priced 300B amp) and the Jeff Korneff 45 amp - assuming the 45 power is sufficient (which it might or might not be). Thanks for any advice.