the preamplifier built in the ayon cd5 is great?

i want to buy a ayon cd5,i love the lp,the preamplifier built in the ayon cd5 is great,than a pass, levinson 380s,etc?
Tosses a fair amount of heat. Not like an amp, but it definitely gets warm over the vents. Ayon claims the tube life is 5000-10,000 hours.
Afc, the EAR components are also very good sonically, from what I have heard at shows. I have not compared them in my room.

Here are some articles which discuss basic differences between SS and Tube amps:

The Second site has a lot to do with guitar amps,etc. but I found the answer to #2 to be clear:

Regarding the heat from tubes, I would not put the CD-5 into a closed shelving unit, but it does not throw so much heat that a room would be adversely influenced.
Doug, I just ordered a CD-5s much on the strength of your review (and the way people respect your opinion)and then reading everything else I could find. The fun part is, as an antidote to getting too pumped by a review, I decided to reread reviews of my speakers that I dearly love. When I pulled the 2007 review of My Von Schweikert VR4SR's, lo and behold, you wrote that review as well. And having lived with this speaker for years now, I can say that everything you said about them was spot on correct. Gives me a lot of faith in your CD 5 review.