Well, I am sorry to say that the ARC 100.2 was a nearly total disappointment. Although a very musical amp, there was very little in the way of bass extension or slam. In fact, there was no slam at all. In my system, all other things being equal, this amp was the leanest most polite portrayer of the lower frequencies than anything that has come before (Plinius 9200, McCormack DNA-225, Odyssey Stratos Monos, and even the Adcom GFA-555!!) Perhaps with different speakers, a different preamp or a different room, the ARC might have worked. But in my system.... not so much.
So I am back to the drawing board again. Looking at a Wyred 4 Sound ST-1000 or maybe going back to the Plinius P-8/P-10. Need to stay under $2000. Anyone care to weigh in on how the W4S amps have worked for you?
So I am back to the drawing board again. Looking at a Wyred 4 Sound ST-1000 or maybe going back to the Plinius P-8/P-10. Need to stay under $2000. Anyone care to weigh in on how the W4S amps have worked for you?