Small integrated for Silverline Minuets

I'm putting together a modest system around a pair of Minuets and an Oppo DVD player-I might add a small sub later.
I would like to find a compact and simple integrated, made in the USA if possible.
Thanks in advance for the help.
In addition to others above:

Portal Audio Panache integrated amplifier

Van Alstine Insight Integrated Control Amplifier

PS Audio Trio C100 Control Amplifier

Jolida JD 1701RC Integrated Hybrid Amplifier with Remote Control
Try Virtue Audio Sensation SS integrated. Has remote, 3 inputs, sub pre-out and wood trim. Small, three versions.

I believe made in USA, at least partially.

I would recommend the 20W Jolida JD 102B tube integrated amp:

Or a Rega Brio 3 integrated amp if you prefer solid state:

As for a small sub, you might want to consider a Canton Chronos sub. I think they are around $700.