No definitive advice on what components are best grounded and which best ungrounded. Over the years that answer has changed, dependent on individual components and even RCA versus XLR cable terminations (maddening).
Ground is one of the most misunderstood and difficult issues in high end systems. Get it right and everything sounds better and you obtain that nice black background that everyone wants. Get it wrong and you chase hum and buzz around via various sources.
I've had my share of this in my own system even though I run star grounds and dedicated lines for every piece in my rig.
As for the cheap ground lifters, I find them invaluable for testing, no sense in permanently lifting the ground on a AC plug just to see if that helps. The lifter lets you know where to work and then you can make it permanent.
it's like being visited upon by the gods when you weigh in, Albert. Seriously, thank you for taking the time. Very much appreciated.
Thank you but that does not apply to me. I do post a lot but as with most things in life, you get back pretty much what you put in. I can't count the number of time another Audiogon member has posted a comment and I cannot add a word, because it was so perfect.