If money were no object, what would be in your rig

Many of us have admired great systems on Audiogon like Albert Porters and some of us prefer a more simpler system. If you could change any component(s) what would it be and why? Or are you satisfied with what you have?
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YEs, the mbl 101s are speakers for a man's man.

The Dos EQuis guy (the most interesting man in the world) runs them I hear. When women hear his system, well, you know what happens......

Good listening, my friends!
I would purchase some Soundlab U1's new with 2 of those huge Wilson Sledgehammer (?) subs. I would keep my current TRL electronics and then spend some big $$ on room treatments and sound consultants for room set - up.

I also want one of the large wind turbines to generate power for my sound room only :-)
Remember Magico Ultimate II horn speakers? After I customize my miniature Carnegie Hall, I'd install the Ultimate IIs, multi-amped, and get a nice chair to admire the organ pipes behind the speakers. Once that's set I go to my huge record collection and grab some LPs. Then I'd pass through my fabulous modern art collection to reach the mega-wine cellar. By the time I have made it back the tubes would be warmed up, ready to go. All my tubes would be NOS for the 1920s-30s in their original packaging, which I would keep in the original store display units that I painstakingly scoured the globe for. I would also be backing my own high end tube company and reprinting all the classical albums that no one seems to want to reprint (180 gram/45 rpm). I can afford to work out the details with Sony and BMG. Maybe I've talked myself into reel to reel and I go that route too?