If money were no object, what would be in your rig

Many of us have admired great systems on Audiogon like Albert Porters and some of us prefer a more simpler system. If you could change any component(s) what would it be and why? Or are you satisfied with what you have?
Would she be your headphones? Seriously good bass! Super tweeters! Thin midrange, but that's good in this case!
Audio Research Reference Anniversary Preamplifier

Audio Research Reference 610T monoblocs

Genesis 1.2 speakers

Audio Research CD-8

Logitech Transporter with Modwright mods

Audio Research DAC-8

TW Acustic Raven AC turntable

Sansui TU-X1 tuner
Tbg and Lrsky - could I ask if the Exemplar Oppo is really better than a decent transport connected to the Exemplar XD-1? I know it supports other formats, but for 2 channel playback, is the Oppo really better?

(Sorry, this is presuming you have the XD-1/Oppo for comparison).
Dedicated and professionally designed listening room with all the bells and whistles (dedicated lines, room treatments, Oyaide R-1 wall outlets...). Top line amp and pre-amp from a manufacturer such as Tidal or Soulution or comparable quality company. Audio Magic Oracle line conditioner. APL NWO 4.0 or whatever is their best current CD player. Speakers would be something like Tidal Sun Ray or Focal Grand Utopia EM and I would add a top-tier turntable to round out the system. Oh yeah, I would keep my Meridian 504 tuner - I like it that much.
Erastratus, in my opinion, yes the XD-1/Oppo is better. I love the Oppo on both HDCDs given that it has the Crystal chips and on SACD. My life is complicated, however, by having a Mac Powerbook Pro music server using Amarra and Pure Music and various dacs. If you are willing to go to this expense, cds do sound better with a server. John does have a music server also, but he is selling the hell out of the Oppo mod.