I'm planning on getting Magnepan 1.7s. I have a strong, clean power amp to drive them, but I need advice on a preamp please. 1. Make and model recommendations 2. tube vs. solid state and why
I owned a combination of Magnepans and various Bryston amps for years.I always used Audio Research tube pre amps,they were a perfect fit,LS 15 and later a REF 3.For more particulars and recommendations flip me a pm.
Joule Electra is my new favorite preamp. I have used a Sonic Frontiers Line 3 on a pair of Magnepans 3.6 with excellent results when I was auditioning speakers. I have since replace my preamp with Joule Electra which I like better. I may trade up in the Joule Electra line but I am sticking with their preamp.
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