Preamp for Magnepan

I'm planning on getting Magnepan 1.7s.
I have a strong, clean power amp to drive them, but I need advice on a preamp please.
1. Make and model recommendations
2. tube vs. solid state and why

thanks, Steve
i have maggies & they have loved my c-j (tubed) & mfa (hybrid) preamps. i echo tubes for preamps & ss for poweramps.
I have 1.6's. Try Audibille Illusions Mod 3a or Audio Research SP16. Great with Bryston and Maggies!
thanks everyone. I've heard from others that Jeff Rowland, Classe and McCormack would be good fits. Any further thoughts?
I hear so much about tube pre w/SS amps and Maggies that if I had the $$ and didn't think I'd drive myself and everyone around me NUTS with tube and cap experiments, I'd try it, too!