Best preamp for $1000 or less with remote

I'm looking for the best preamp in the price range of $1000 or less to go with my Emotiva XPA-2 power amp; the preamp must have a remote for volume control. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm willing to go more than $1000 on a preamp that might be worth the extra money. Thanks, Bob
I think you are at the junction of deciding tube vs SS for a pre-amp. Also, it depends on how many and what kind of inputs you need, and whether or not you would like a DAC built in, and new vs used. Simplest would be the Peachtree Nova, bypassing the built in amp.
The VTL 2.5 when available is really very good. Provides a little quality tube sound and comes with a remote. Build quality is good too and under $1k.
First of all,"best" is in the eye/ear of the beholder.No one can tell you what's best for you.If they say they can,they are full of crap.That being said,why not try an Emotiva preamp?It's a fair assumption they are made to work together.Just a thought.Good luck.