This is very true and a good point. You can never overlook system/room synergy in building a good system or the synergy between amp and speaker.
Even though I realize its all system synergy, whenever I make any system change, I always tend to think about one component change at a time. Any more than that becomes too confusing. When I make the one change, then I can easily evaluate the results. After that, if the synergy between spkr and amp isn't there, I can then think about changing speakers.
Naturally, if I'm radically changing spkr designs, from a high efficiency speaker to a low one, then I'd also have to change amps as well.
Even though I realize its all system synergy, whenever I make any system change, I always tend to think about one component change at a time. Any more than that becomes too confusing. When I make the one change, then I can easily evaluate the results. After that, if the synergy between spkr and amp isn't there, I can then think about changing speakers.
Naturally, if I'm radically changing spkr designs, from a high efficiency speaker to a low one, then I'd also have to change amps as well.