Virtue Audio sensation opinions

Looking for some feedback on this amp from owners or those who have been able to audition them.
To those looking for opinions on the Virtue Audio Sensation here is a pretty thorough one from Stereomojo.

Virtue Audio Sensation Review

I'd love to hear from other members as well. Some used Virtue Audio Sensation integrateds just appeared here as well. You don't see them very often. Maybe it is a testament to how good they sound? People just don't want to give them up unless they have too?
Those Virtue amps that were on sale here didn't seem to have been kept long. I got the feeling that they were bought on the strength of reviews and found wanting in some respect. Could be wrong. If you go to other sites where Virtue is a member and site sponsor, the owners are constantly upgrading and tweeking, yet the reviews keep coming back positive. I, too, thought about getting one but passed.
Virtue audio has a forum on audiocircle...seldom do you see folks there unhappy with their virtue amps; tho they arent perfect. The modding has to do with 1) trying out various caps ie. aura, sonicaps etc and 2) different power supplies including battery setups.

I do not have a sensation, but rather the ONE.2 which has a similar sonic sign. With chip amps, Tirpath etc, people either like them or not. Many, like myself, find that putting a tube preamp upstream is a positive step. My understanding is hat some are selling their Sensations to get the newer version that includes a Gary Dodd tube buffer stage. hope this helps Dan
I have a Virtue 0ne.2 with a sonicap upgrade.
With this upgrade I totally LOVE this amp, The soniccaps smash to pieces the Virtucaps that were in there, IMO it's a huge difference. It came back to me a much more transparent amplifer. The good news is it only cost me $120 more for this.

If I owned Virtue, I personally would not offer the amps with the Virtucaps....why Vail a great amp.
If you use the big power supply's with these amps they sound big and open.

And that's exactly what I wanted, was a big muscle Tripath amp.

The Sensation interest me some, because of the three inputs it has. It's supposed to have a little bit bigger sound, I wonder if it does.

Right now, I'm using my One.2 in place of my Accuphase P-300 power amp (I love the P-300) and don't miss it when the Virtues there. A little different flavor. The Virtue is a musical and fun amp to listen too, with ALOT of detail,not sterile at all. GREAT dynamics make for fun times.

Sensation owners chime in please.

I don't know if I want tubes with the Virtue, I've had tube amps,and liked them plenty, but in the long run the Accuphase stack one out.

I'm very happy with the Virtue I have. I highly recommend them. HUGE bang for your buck. I use an Astron LS-10A power supply with it and that put the amp over the top into great.