I have a Virtue 0ne.2 with a sonicap upgrade.
With this upgrade I totally LOVE this amp, The soniccaps smash to pieces the Virtucaps that were in there, IMO it's a huge difference. It came back to me a much more transparent amplifer. The good news is it only cost me $120 more for this.
If I owned Virtue, I personally would not offer the amps with the Virtucaps....why Vail a great amp.
If you use the big power supply's with these amps they sound big and open.
And that's exactly what I wanted, was a big muscle Tripath amp.
The Sensation interest me some, because of the three inputs it has. It's supposed to have a little bit bigger sound, I wonder if it does.
Right now, I'm using my One.2 in place of my Accuphase P-300 power amp (I love the P-300) and don't miss it when the Virtues there. A little different flavor. The Virtue is a musical and fun amp to listen too, with ALOT of detail,not sterile at all. GREAT dynamics make for fun times.
Sensation owners chime in please.
I don't know if I want tubes with the Virtue, I've had tube amps,and liked them plenty, but in the long run the Accuphase stack one out.
I'm very happy with the Virtue I have. I highly recommend them. HUGE bang for your buck. I use an Astron LS-10A power supply with it and that put the amp over the top into great.