McIntosh vs. Marantz ...... sonics?

I have a few 22xx Marantz receivers (2226b and 2250b) which I really enjoy. They sound sweet.
I have heard so many good things about McIntosh that I am intruiged, and maybe interested in trying a Mac. I am thinking of an int-amp or receiver.

Would I really hear an improvement or is it mostly reputation?
I am considering trying it but Mac gear is so much pricier than what I have.

The McIntosh would sound better. Buy used and it will keep 80-100% of its value. It retains the most resale of any brand on amps, preamps and tuners. The recievers you discuss are low fi
Check out for ideas. I like a 1500 or 1700 better than the all solid state models.
Generally receivers sound good with simple music but falter with complex music which requires dynamic swings. From soundstaging, 3-dimensional realism to bass slam, refinement and dynamics, most receivers wouldn't hold a candle to audiophile-grade quality amps if partnering ancillaries and speakers are up to the task.