small room... tube amp... summer

for those in relatively small rooms, how do you deal with the heat from your tube amp during summer? can i point a fan at it? any suggestions? it's really heating up my room and there's no AC in here! do i just have to bear with it or are there any practical solutions?
A light breeze from a fan will keep the faceplate and other metal parts from getting as hot. Just don't put it on high, and keep it several feet away. I have a Cary CAD 120's and it works fine. The V12R was another story, you could fry a burger on the transformer, so you need a big room for one of those. The Mac 275 runs very cool for a tube amp, but sounds more SS than tube. Tubes can be a bit of a pain, but to me they are well worth it. Good luck.
Okay... I have a small-room system set up (14'x 11') in Tucson AZ. It does have an overhead ceiling fan and that works quite well. But I do limit my output tubes to 2 per side of either the EL34 or KT88 variety. No need for more that 50 or so watts/channel tube power in the small room even with my Magnepan SMGa's.

Alternately, a nice combination it to use a Wyred 4 Sound ST-250 amplifier with either a tube line buffer or a good tube preamplifier (that doesn't run hot). Good luck, it can be done, and done well.
You know some tube amps run hotter than others.You could have a SS amp for summer,otherwise above posts are good to know.Ceiling fans are real nice.Almost impossible to vent heat out of a room short of running ducts[unlikely].Are there any vents by floor you could position amp by?I personally would try and change out amp for summer though its not inexpensive.You could try long speaker cables.Nothing real solid or creative I'm thinking of,good luck,Bob