small room... tube amp... summer

for those in relatively small rooms, how do you deal with the heat from your tube amp during summer? can i point a fan at it? any suggestions? it's really heating up my room and there's no AC in here! do i just have to bear with it or are there any practical solutions?
You know some tube amps run hotter than others.You could have a SS amp for summer,otherwise above posts are good to know.Ceiling fans are real nice.Almost impossible to vent heat out of a room short of running ducts[unlikely].Are there any vents by floor you could position amp by?I personally would try and change out amp for summer though its not inexpensive.You could try long speaker cables.Nothing real solid or creative I'm thinking of,good luck,Bob
Small room, tube amp, summer heat, sold mine.
Like stated above, unless you have a SS for the summer, or know of one you like, then get used to the heat. I had a quad set of EL-34s that just roasted my 2nd story apartment even with the AC on. It had to go.
I am curently limited to a very small listening room (10' x 12.5'), and have a few comments to add:
1- all electronics get hot and will heat the room. Bif power tubes are worse but if you leave your SS gear on all of the time the net effect is the same. I just replaced my CJ Premier 11A w/ an Audio Note Oto. Much less heat from smaller tubes.
2- As 4est mentioned, a ceiling fan is of limited help. After a while you are basically roasting in a convection oven. You need to exchange the hot air for cooler air somehow.
3- Do not underestimate the amount of heat that you and the lights will generate. I have switched all of the bulbs in my room to compact fluorescents - I hate 'em but they make a big difference. Needless to say, you will appreciate a dedicated AC line if you do this.