Pass XA30.5 enough power for Wilson Sophia 2?

I was wondering about this combo. I have a very large room. Personally I dont think it's enough power but what do you guys think?
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I am not surprised by Madfloyd's observation, I own BAT tube amps and even their tube amps have stellar bass response. BAT solid state amps have more caps than most amps in the power supply as the designer believes in more storage energy the better theory.

I am more interested in the midrange and up comparison. I have only heard Pass X350.5 vs. Spectron Musician 2 and found Pass maybe overly warm in midrange, even more than some tube amps from my impression. Accurate or not, I can't comment and I am sure most prefer warm midrange than lean midrange. Also interested to hear if BAT reproduces the micro dynamic, inner detail/texture, depth, and other critical parameters (to a tube guy) as well or better than Pass.
Those are all good questions. Could you start a different thread? This one is about Pass XA30.5 and Sophia 2 speakers. Thanks.
Reno Hifi has a home demo program on Pass Labs, and is a real asset for those looking to form their own opinion. I feel that the restock fee and terms are quite reasonable.

Always be aware that even used amps need a few days to warm-up when boxed. If you were to evaluate for a short time, I would suggest leaving the amps on the entire time.