Bel Canto S300 driving Gallo 3.1s

Hi all,
My setup is:
Logitech Transporter
Bel Canto Pre-3
Bel Canto S300
Gallo 3.1s

I am running balanced high quality cables and 10ga speaker cables.

My question is, it seems like I have to turn the volume up quite high on my Pre-3 (all the way up on the Transporter) in order to get the Gallos to put out some sound, especially bass.
I am using FLAC files, so sound quality shouldn't be much of an issue. Is the S300 just too weak for the Gallos?
Something's not right there- and it's not the S300. I drove my Gallos very well with a Cary SLI-80. I'd look upstream.
I have tried reversing the polarity, but it didn't seem to make improvement at all. Maybe it is just an over expectation on my part, but I thought the Gallos would have bass that you can feel in your chest. I don't get to that until I am -15dbz off max on the pre3.
I wonder how much my room might have to do with it. The floor is carpeted and the room is about 18' x 28'. Maybe too big?
It isn't that they don't get loud...they do, it just seems like I have very little overhead left and I am afraid of getting some distortion and blowing something.