What is wrong with negative feedback?

I am not talking about the kind you get as a flaky seller, but as used in amplifier design. It just seems to me that a lot of amp designs advertise "zero negative feedback" as a selling point.

As I understand, NFB is a loop taken from the amplifier output and fed back into the input to keep the amp stable. This sounds like it should be a good thing. So what are the negative trade-offs involved, if any?
Loop feedback in any form is supposed to reduce distortion. It is questionable whether it increases bandwidth, and in some models (see the link I provided) it reduces 'output impedance'. You'll see why I use the quotes if you look at the link.

The *big* problem is that loop feedback, in the process of doing all this stuff, exacts a penalty. This comes from the fact that any circuit that can amplify is doing so at speeds that are easily measured on rather pedestrian test equipment. This time is called Propagation Delay- the time it takes for the signal to propagate from input to output.

Now feedback is created by taking the some of the signal from the output, and applying it to an earlier portion of the circuit, which has a propagation delay. So you can see that the feedback signal is arriving ever so slightly too late to do its job right. The fact that it is too late causes the amplifier to become less stable as frequency increases, and there can be inharmonic noise created at the point where the feedback is returned.

This causes feedback to inject a low level harmonic distortion noise floor composed of harmonics up as high as the 81st harmonic into the output of the amp, and it has two audible artifacts.

The ear uses naturally-occurring odd-ordered harmonics to figure out how loud the sounds are. They are the 5th, 7th and 9th harmonics and they get enhanced (distorted) by feedback by a small amount. However, because these are loudness cues to the human ear this small amount **is easily audible** and audiophiles use the terms 'hard' 'harsh', 'bright', 'brittle', 'chalky', 'clinical' and so on to describe this distortion. Keep in mind that this is the case when the distortion of these harmonics may only be 100ths of a percent!! This is why two amps can measure the same frequency response on the bench but one will be bright and the other is not.

The 2nd problem is that the harmonic noise floor, through another hearing principle called 'masking', will block the ear's natural ability to hear into the noise floor of the playback system (the ear can hear 20 db into a natural noise floor like tape hiss or the wind blowing). Any information below the noise floor is not heard by the ear or not detected as easily. Since ambient soundstage information exists at low level, one of the more obvious effects of feedback is to foreshorten the soundstage depth and width.

Amplifiers in particular that use no feedback tend to have a different voltage response in dealing with the loudspeaker and the designer of the speaker has to accommodate this behavior. IMO, a speaker that requires an amplifier with feedback, due to the issues above, will never sound like real music. Speakers that *are* friendly to zero feedback amps at least have a chance.

http://www.atma-sphere.com/papers/paradigm_paper2.html for more information
I have read Roger Modjeski address this issue, and his opinion seems to be that negative feedback got a bad name as a result of designers who had no formal training in electronics misusing and not being competent to properly implement negative feedback. In the right hands, it is a good thing. I think it would sort of be like a chisel in the hands of an artist versus a non-artist. The artist makes great things with the chisel, and the non-artist cuts his hands.

I listened in a group setting to a Berning amplifier with adjustable feedback: No feedback, low feedback, and high feedback. We all agreed that the low feedback setting was the best, followed closely by no feedback, and distantly by high feedback. The latter setting was the only setting I would consider unlistenable. The no feedback setting was a little too soft and mellow for my tastes, but I could see someone enjoying that type of sound, and I would not kick it out of bed. For me the low feedback setting provided the best of both worlds - detail, controlled bass, without being irritating.

There are good sounding components using feedback and no feedback, which is simply more proof you need to listen to the component, because the component really is an extension of the skills and philosophy of the designer, and there are good skilled designers employing both methods.
"There are good sounding components using feedback and no feedback, which is simply more proof you need to listen to the component, because the component really is an extension of the skills and philosophy of the designer, and there are good skilled designers employing both methods."

I think this is the bottom line practically for most.

The caveat is you cannot listen to a single component alone, only a system with all the required components (source, amp, speaker/room) together. A single listen can only tell you what each component is capable of, not how good or bad each piece is or sounds. To sort it all out requires doing your homework and listening to as many combos as you can over time.
Mapman - Moderation is the word. Instead of feedback or no feedback we can settle for moderate feedback. Sound coloration comes from dynamic nonlinearity of the system with the feedback. Amplifier itself is far from being first order low-pass filter and feedback creates loss of stability - hence dynamic nonlinearity. Part of the problem is speaker - being complex load. That would suggest to me that things are really complicated and listening instead of reading will bring better results. Speaker choice and synergy with amplifier appears to be very important.
Roger Modjeski has some interesting design philosophies in general. Topics like feedback certainly stir the hornets nest within him. Just don't get him going on cables. At that point it becomes a swarm.

I have to say that the RM-10 manual is one of the best audio reads I've experienced. The amp itself is excellent too, even with 14db of negative feedback.