The Bel Canto ref1000m2 Icepower Class D amps I am using on my larger full range OHM Walsh omnis seem to be able to go as loud as desired without an edge on most good recordings.
These amps are high damping factor which matches well to the OHMs, so I suspect there is NF applied, but not sure. If loudness cues are more present as a result, I'm not sure that it is significant enough to matter.
I also use Triangle and Dynaudio monitors on teh same system. Monitors in general will not fare as well with orchestral music at high volumes (at least not without a sub of some sort to offload much of the work), so I can say that the speakers are definitely a factor as well.
These amps are high damping factor which matches well to the OHMs, so I suspect there is NF applied, but not sure. If loudness cues are more present as a result, I'm not sure that it is significant enough to matter.
I also use Triangle and Dynaudio monitors on teh same system. Monitors in general will not fare as well with orchestral music at high volumes (at least not without a sub of some sort to offload much of the work), so I can say that the speakers are definitely a factor as well.