Unsound - I remember Ar_t posting on the subject of switching amps. I don't know about TacT now. At the time I bough my Icepower based amp I read opinions on Icepower and Hypex. Both configurations (Full Bridge vs Half Bridge) have good implementation for instance Hypex based Channel Island amps.
Mapman - I also observed that listening at low volumes with Icepower is very good. I know that part of the problem is our hearing but I enjoy very good and clean sound (with very articulate bass) at low levels without any loudness correction. I cannot explain it. Do you experience the same?
Mapman - I also observed that listening at low volumes with Icepower is very good. I know that part of the problem is our hearing but I enjoy very good and clean sound (with very articulate bass) at low levels without any loudness correction. I cannot explain it. Do you experience the same?