What's in a NAIM?

Can anyone tell me how to stop my Pioneer Elite DVD player from causing a hum when connected to my NAIM NAIT 5i ???

I have circuit tested the entire house and run a dedicated line to the fuse box.

I could find no trace of either DC or AC voltage between the Neutral and Ground at the fuse box or the dedicated line

Anyone tackled this before?

Any help appreciated

I am using the DVD as my CD transport, since it also plays SACD.

I have tried isolating just the amp and the DVD - still hums

I route the DVD for normal play via optical link via Cambridge Audio DAC - no hum.

But the DVD only plays SACD via the left/right channel audio output and that's when the hum starts.

I measured an AC signal (i.e. the hum) of around 1.5 V AC between the neutral on the interconnect and the ground at the outlet - but I also found this with 3 other DVD players from other manufacturers, so I think this is normal, since it has no effect with other amps I have.

There are other reports on the web of similar problems with NAIM amps, so I am wondering if anyone encountered this before and had a fix for it.
I have also posted a related question here, but it is more a question regarding the design of various sources


The sources that hum are the ones where an AC signal can be measured.

I have an old AKAI and a Luxman amp and there is no hum aparant on either of them with these units

I have gone as far as switching all the breakers off except the dedicated line to the amp - it still hums - so I do not think it is from an external source

Lost for things to try...

Seems that the NAIM is very sensitive
Try this...it solved a similar problem for me w/ a Denon universal.

A short run of solid copper wire (bell wire - Home Depot) from the center screw of the electrical wall plate to a CHASSIS screw on the Pioneer should solve your problem.

Good luck.
If the system has coax connected from the cable box or to the TV disconnect it. If it is the cause, you need a ground loop isolator.
I'm not going to rule out that the Naim might have a problem, but when video is a part of a system, it opens the door for all kinds of hum and noise. Naim is one of the most reliable and dependable brands I've ever worked with, especially their "two channel" models. It might be the Naim, but just make sure to isolate the video first.