Abbingdon Music Research gold fuses ???

Has anyone here tried these new AMR fuses?
I use them and yes they are incredible. The fuses transformed the sound of my Graaf Modena and my Acoustic Reality Thaumaturge amplifiers. I had HiFi Tuning Gold fuses in my AR amps but did not think much of them. In fact I actually boxed them up as I found them a little less interesting with the HiFi tuning fuses as opposed to the stock cheapo fuse. When I placed the AMR fuses in the amps (both the Modena and the Acoustic Reality) I really was not prepared for what I heard. I was immediately met with more body, harmonics, musicality and a fullness to the sound that was a bit unbelievable. In a word (BODY), the AMR fuses imbue the subjective musical presentation with a corporeal body replacing the facsimile of music with a rendition more akin to life... OK ok...I know I have waxed on like a maniac LOL but they really are that good and worth a listen :)
Audiofun hit the nail on the head about the AMR fuses. I put the AMR fuses in my amp and noticed a considerable improvement in sound quality and tonal texture. As "boutique" fuses go the AMR's are a steel at their price point. I think I paid in the $20-$25 range from Avatar Acoustic. Darren and Bonnie Cencullo are great people to deal with, drop them an email or phone call you'll be glad you did.
