Coda VS Muse Model 3 Signature

Hello all, I've been in a hard search for about a month for one of a short list of solid state preamps.
Muse Model 3 or 3 Signature
Coda Contiuum Window 4
Classe 5 or CP 50
Bryston BP-25
My Budget is $800.00.
Today, I came across the Muse 3 Signature for $1000.00
and a Coda Contiuum Window version 4 for $800.00. I don't know this Coda model. I've heard a fet 01 and it was very good. This Coda is their lower Continuum series, but seems to be very nice. Has anyone heard both to give me a fair comparison?
Timlub, my post comparing the Marsh took a while to appear on the other thread, but it's there now. Here's the link:
Timlub, I've been researching the Coda units on the web, and it looks like the Continuum Window 4 was also known as the CLX. Does your Window 4 unit look like the CLX pictured here?

Also on that same site there is a history of Coda. I didn't realize that Doug was a founding member from the Threshold / Nelson Pass era.
Hi Ucanhear2,
My unit is a one of a kind. Doug had parts of a few units around and built this... My front panel looks like Coffeey's unit, except, I have a red display and right of the knob, my unit says Coda, I believe Coffeey's say Continuum... Doug said that he could not sell it as a CL unit at the price, so my receipt says Windows Continuum 4... The front panel selector switch does not match the rear panel inputs, for instance, I plug into the video input on rear and press CD on front.
Doug said that he put a Current circuit board in my unit, not an actual Windows Continuum 4 board. My unit does use the current remote and volume control also. Every button on the CLX is in the same place on my Preamp, but it has little square buttons, mine has little round buttons.
I have no idea, what to call it, but I am enjoying it.
And yes, Doug is a founding member of Coda. He knows Nelson well.
I have the Coda logo on the oval,the continum logo was only on the 1 or 1 and 2,dont really know for sure
Thanks Coffee, so there you go, mine and Coffeey's look identical other than display color.