Anyone have Coincident Frankenstein amps?

I'm looking for a nice 300B based amp, and this is at the top of my wish list. Anyone have any input on the performance of these amps? Any other brands you would suggest? Just want to try a 300B based amp to switch back and forth with the 845 based amp I have now. Thanks!
Mr paul mentioned the Yamamoto 300b amp, I`ve not heard it myself but this amp has gotten universal high praise and is one you should also strongly consider. I own the Yamamoto YDA-01 DAC(SS version) in a word, divine.
What's the cost on the Yamamoto amps? Anyone listened to the Grant Fidelity A-534B? Has received fantastic reviews, and is very, very reasonably priced.

It's very tough to find a used pair of Frankensteins out there. Just don't see them. Owners must really love them.
Afc, I've just bought a 534B, and it's enroute. I'll be happy to post a review in a week or so. It's going to drive 96dB open baffle speakers, so combined I'm hopeful of a positive match. We'll soon see. Enjoy!
Coltrane, I look forward to see what you think of that amp. I really liked it. Great looking piece, and I like the idea of EL34 driver tubes for the 300B power tubes. Unfortunately, it's not a match for me. Spoke with Ian Grant. Seems like a great guy. But the 534B cannnot operate as a "direct" option power amp, and my subs can't run off speaker taps. Also, the A534B doesn't have a phone stage, so I'd have to forsake the very nice phono stage in my EAR 868 and buy a separate one.
Too bad. Seems like a very nice amplifier. Still taking a long hard look at the Franks....