Anyone have Coincident Frankenstein amps?

I'm looking for a nice 300B based amp, and this is at the top of my wish list. Anyone have any input on the performance of these amps? Any other brands you would suggest? Just want to try a 300B based amp to switch back and forth with the 845 based amp I have now. Thanks!
Nice. The Grant is made in Canada, no? It looked like a very nice amp cosmetically, quite attractive, and the reviews were very strong. I'd have gone for it had I been able to use it as a power amp only, but that's not an option, nor would it have allowed me to run my sub without some serious jack rigging. Perhaps it's the 300B sound you like so much? I'm sure the amp has a lot to do with it. The Grant products seem to be quality built pieces. Frankensteins were shipped to Denver (I'm in South Carolina)....imagine that person's surprise when he opened the boxes and found Franks instead of the Dragons he ordered....they've been re-routed to me, but won't arrive until Monday at the latest. Boooo.....

Coltrane, nice to see you enjoying the Grant.
Ah. I see that Grant imports products from China and sells them under the Grant name. My bad.
Got the Frankensteins today. Too soon to form much of an opinion, but they seem very transparent in the mids without coloration. Doesn't seem to lack much in the guts department, either, as they get plenty loud without any signs of stress.
These amps are very good straight out of the box and will in time make the transition to superb reproducers of music. Remain patient my friend, you`re going to be quite pleased.
I totally agree.Be patient any enjoy the fun in breaking these special amps that are in my opinion, one of the finest amplifiers available.
As amazing as they are, their performance can be enhanced by the addition of the Coincident Statement Line Stage I had in my system for two weeks a few month ago. The linestage is totally transparent so it does not diminish those qualities of the Franks, but it adds a sense of impact and authority that makes them seem like they are now 50 watts instead of 8. The combination of those 2 units brings about an incredible enhancement in the musical experience.
Are yours a bit grainy on warm up? For the first 15 minutes of listening or so, they seem a bit dirty- but once warm, they're crystal clear. It's an interesting transition from the Franks to the MastersounD. The former is exquisitely detailed- you can hear picks moving over strings, and everything seems right there. The MastersounD has WAY more grunt- it can overpower the solid state Rowland without breaking a sweat. I was a bit surprised at how much more headroom seems available with the 845 amp than there is with the Franks. Yet, the MastersounD retains a lot of the clarity of the Franks. Each have their strengths.