Anyone have Coincident Frankenstein amps?

I'm looking for a nice 300B based amp, and this is at the top of my wish list. Anyone have any input on the performance of these amps? Any other brands you would suggest? Just want to try a 300B based amp to switch back and forth with the 845 based amp I have now. Thanks!
Your experience is quite different from mine (could it be system, different
ears ?). One of the many attributes of the Frankenstein has been agility,
speed, trasient performance and vibrant energetic sound when called for. I
appreciate the fact that it isn't soft, slow or rounded off. The better the 300b

tube the better the amplifier sounds, superb resolution and transparency.
Currently I'm using these 300b tubes, Takatsuki-TA, EML XLS and the
AVVTV32 SL and these
all sound exceptional with all types of music (jazz is my predominant
genre). High energy big band and classical music are a joy. Drums sound
terrific with realistic snap, impact and timing.

But one thing is certain in audio, no component will please everyone, there
are too many variables and preferences to account for. The Frankenstein
outperformed my previous 100 watt PP amp across the board. You'll
eventually find what you're looking for in an amplifier. As always YMMV.
I believe the drum sound too soft and does not reproduce the drum beat well. Drum beats sound flimsy lack of impact

Hmmmmm...this hasn't been my experience with the Franks. They won't "pop" like a big, over damped SS amp, but to me they sound far more like real drum thwacks than the big SS amps. Could be the system? Maybe it's our different ears?
Nguyen787`s mentioning the drums in particularly caught my attention.Ironically that`s something they reproduce exceedingly well in my system.Compared to several former PP tube amps and my previous Symphonic Line solid state amplifier.The Franks reproduction is closer to what I hear live.Audio is fascinating as it reveals differences in perception among various listeners.
The output impedance of the EAR / Coinc line stage, maybe is the really difference.
I'm a Coincident Dragon owner and they don't sound warm or have flimsy bass. My experience is that they are transparent and will reveal what is upstream. What are you using as the source? Could you try rolling in different tubes to see if that helps. I'm using Psvane 300B's and found them to be a step up from the stock tubes.