07-19-10: Mapman
I've never heard Spectron but the bass with BC ref1000mk2 is interesting. When I first heard them compared to my prior amp, a Musical Fidelity A3CR, I wondered where the bass was. It turned out it was there more than ever just so tight and controlled and 3 dimensional that it was disorienting at first.
I think this is an insightful observation Mapman. An amplifiers control (or lack of) over speakers will have a profound impact on observations concerning the bass. With my Eminent Tech Planars (about 83db sensitivity and impedance dip to 4 ohm) the Bel Canto Ref 1000 MKii monoblocs excelled, so for that matter did the Jeff Rowland Continuum C500.
ESL's however are even more demanding to drive as impedance can typically range from 1 ohm (or less) to 150 ohm (or above) depending on manufacturer and model.
Simon Thacher has dropped me a note saying he'd be prepared to give me a home trial which is very generous considering i live 20 hours flying time from the US. I'll try the Spectron with my ESL's, Ribbon Planars and Dynamic speakers (Raidho Acoustics) and observe what transpires.
Really appreciate the comments made to date. Keen to hear any other veiws on the BC Ref 1000 mk ii vs. Musician III mk 2.