How does Aragon 24k/2004 stack up to modern equip?

I just picked up an Aragon 24k preamp/Aragon 2004 amp for a good price. I put them in my system where my Cambridge Audio Azur 840a resided and I must say I am VERY impressed. These are my first separates that I've owned, the speakers are JM Lab Cobalt 807's, speaker cables are Monster M1 mkII, and mains power cable is Straightwire Blue Thunder. Interconnects are MIT MI-330 series II. Like I said I love the sound, just wondering how these components stack up, and if anyone has cabling suggestions?
I have heard Aragon sound better than Krell and I have heard Krell sound better than Aragon in many systems. It is model dependant and synergy between the speakers and the amps. I like the older Krell amps better than the newer ones. Simple sounds better. The newer krell is to complicated and it does not have lower noise floors you would expect from a modern amplifiers.
There is nothing wrong with Aragon, very good products that have stood the test of time for reliability and performance that exceeds their going prices. Recommending interconnects is hit and miss, trying different ones is the only way to get the desired sound you are seeking with your associated components, speakers, and your unique room acoustics.
Long ago I had an Aragon 8008ST and switched to a Pass X350, and immediately after hearing the sweet, silky, lifelike, rounded vocals (especially female ones) out of the Pass, I thought the Aragon sounded like a toy (not abrasive, but just kind of flat). But there was very decent bass from the Aragon. It would be great for a party or home theater. I would say it was worth the $2500 retail it sold for back then.
Rgs92, your point is well taken. But to be fair you are comparing good midfi to the very best in solid state, Nelson Pass is legendary.