AMC 2100 amps - what's your great bang for the $?

I run a SF Power 2 tube amp and frankly the heat output is intolerable during the summer months. I prefer not to run AC daily given electricity costs in Conn is very high. So, I just acquired a mint PAIR of AMC 2100 (look similar to NAD gear) amps for $210 shipped to be used for the summer. They have input level input adjustments, line level pass through RCAs for bi-amping, and can be bridged. They consume only 20 watts per amp at idle and run very cool. I tried one amp in 2 channel mode to power my friends Maggies and they did not break a sweat. Obviously detail, bass control is NOT true high end here but they sound musical (B&K like) and have no bad traits that I can detect. I'm sure blue book is low here but I feel I made a great bargain. Any other Agoners encounter some great 'bang for the buck' low cost deals?
I had one a few years ago and they are a real bargain at the prices they sell for (I paid $130 for a new in box unit). I sold it for about what I paid for it (can't recall - maybe $120).
i used a couple of the amc 2100s to run my power crazed revels--i believe the amps bridge to 250w in mono. for the giveaway price, they were very serviceable--at least as good as the rotel 980 i owned at the same time, though not as robust as parasound hca. amc's always been a somewhat mysterious company--they were rumored to be the oem for nad and others--and now they seem to have vanished. however, their stuff is well built and, as stated, a real unsung bargain.
I also had the 2030 tube amps a while back with the 1030 matching pre-amp. That combo sounded so liquid with the def tech bp10, my entry level hi end years ago. sounded awesome. amc is still around. search "weltronics".