SS amps for merlin vsm

I am using merlins with AA prestige SACD, Filarmonia amp and cardas GR
cables. would like to buy a SS int amp. ($ 5000) How is plinius 9200 with merlin vsm. anybody tried this ?

thank you

simple solid state amp that will go close to EL 34 mid and KT 88 bass

and thats AUDIOLAB 8000 C/P (pre=class A/powclass AB)

the best solid state i have heard with merlin vsm irrespective of any price range

the compination shines and it outperformes merlin & ARS sonum

i BROUGHT one today after having it with me for 3 days and doing lot of comparison

paid only $600 for pre/pow ...was ready to pay $ 6000 for a nice solid state amp

so the only problem here was too cheap :)


audiolab is now owned by Spendor

amps that match with merlins usually matches with Merlins

may be thats the majik
I was looking into replacing Focal 918 with Merlin vsm-super BAM.
I am using a rebuilt H/K Citation 16a. (150wpc)
Any thoughts on how they may match up?
Boy, I wonder if anyone has ever heard Merlin VSMs with a 16a - not likely. For sure you have enough power:)
I dont think power is a problem either. I am not too up to speed on why some speakers dont match well with certain amps,etc??
I noticed in your "system" that you have Cardas cables. Do you find them to have a warm character as many desribe?